Statements from Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company – Last Update 31/07/2012

July 31, 2012, Moscow
Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company informs that the Indonesian families of the SSJ100 crash victims are being indemnified. Payments for a total of IDR1.25 billion to each family started on Monday 30 July, 2012.
In the meantime, preparations to provide the families of the Russian citizens affected by this tragic accident with the insurance payments are underway, in accordance with Russian legislation.
The SSJ100 (Reg Number 97004) crash occurred in Indonesia on May 9, 2012 during a demonstration flight.
June 28, 2012
On June 22, 2012 in frame of the investigation of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 (97004) accident that happened in the area of Salak Mount in Indonesia on May 9, 2012 the National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT) of Indonesia officially published its Immediate Recommendations. The document is issued in accordance with ICAO Annex 13 norms and includes recommendations to ATC, the aircraft manufacturer and, if needed, operators of the aircraft of such a type.
The document issued a series of recommendations about procedures for the preparation and conduct of demonstration flights, training for flight crews, minimum safe flight altitude for demo flights operated under Instrumental Flight Rules (IFR) and about passenger manifest delivering procedures.
Immediate Recommendations issued by KNKT do not include any recommendations for operators of the SSJ100 in service. The document does not have any special recommendations for the SSJ100 fleet in operation beyond the information already mentioned in the operational documentation. This documentation continues to be in effect and its provisions should be carried out inviolately.
In this connection all existing documents (Flight Manual, Maintenance Manual, etc) provided to operators contain all proper instructions to operate the aircraft.
Having received above-mentioned recommendations SCAC is making a comprehensive analysis of the procedures for demonstration flights preparation, which envisage that the crew should be properly aware of the meteorological, topographical and ornithological environment in the area of the flight when a flight plan is submitted.
June 6, 2012
Despite the fact that the investigation of the SSJ100 accident happened on May 9, 2012 has not completed so far, having deeply empathized to the victim families SCAC made decision to start the immediate activity to offer the financial support for these families in accordance with the Indonesian law.
Taking in account recommendations of the Indonesian House of Representatives SCAC believes it is possible to provide each family with the insurance payment of IDR1.25 billion.
May 31, 2012
The FDR of the SSJ100 aircraft #97004 is found and handed over to the investigation commission
May 31, 2012, Moscow – Yesterday evening the Flight data recorder (FDR) of the SSJ100 aircraft #97004 was found at approximately a kilometer of distance from the place of the aircraft collision with ground. This morning the FDR was officially handed over to the Investigation Commission of the National Committee for Transport Safety, KNKT. The unit is not essentially damaged.
The commission is currently inspecting the FDR. After the inspection the Indonesian experts will start to decode the FDR data. The activities will be done in presence of SCAC’s experts that are currently in Indonesia. If necessary, SCAC is ready to provide both technical and expert support in running these works.
“We thank our Indonesian colleagues for carrying out search works in difficult conditions on site. The rescue of the FDR will allow the definition of a clear picture of the event and will expedite the investigation”, noted SCAC President Vladimir Prisyazhnyuk.
May 23, 2012
The farewell ceremony for the victims of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 accident, happened in the Salak mount area on May 9 2012, was held today at Halim Perdanakusuma airport of Jakarta.
The Representatives of the Indonesian Government, the National Police Chief, the Head of the Indonesian Search and Rescue Agency, representatives of domestic airlines (whose employees were on board of the SSJ100 aircraft #97004), the Russian Ambassador in Indonesia Alexander Ivanov and representatives of Sukhoi Civil Aircraft attended the ceremony. During the ceremony the remains were handed over to the families from Indonesia and representatives of the Russian, French and USA Embassies.
The bodies of SCAC employees will be delivered to Moscow on May 24, 2012 by a special charter flight. The Russian Embassy completed necessary documents.
May 20, 2012
Today in Jakarta the National Committee for Transport Safety (KNKT) of Indonesia and the Russian side signed the protocol on the results of joint activity in investigation of the SSJ100 #97004 accident.
According to the signed document, the preliminary analysis of the CVR data showed the following: indications of the failure of the aircraft’s systems and components were not discovered, the terrain and collision avoidance system T2CAS was functionally operative in flight and provided crew with information on the hazardous ground proximity.
Due to the fact that the flight data recorder (FDR) has not been found, works on detailed analysis of the radar information of the air traffic control (ATC) will continue. This is necessary to plot the aircraft’s flight path and synchronize ATC and CVR data.
The document signed by KNKT Chairman Tanang Kurniadi and Deputy Russian Minister for Industry and Trade Yuri Slyusar also noted the need to continue the search for the FDR by the Indonesian side. The Indonesian side will continue the search for the FDR.
“We highly value the professionalism of our Indonesian colleagues and their Russian counterparts that participated in the work of the commission. From our side, SCAC will ensure maximum collaboration in supply of any data necessary to conduct a thorough and comprehensive investigation of the accident” – said Vladimir Prisyazhyuk, SCAC President.
May 18, 2012
The Indonesian investigation commission in collaboration with Russian experts started to decode CVR data. These works will be continued tomorrow.
The search for the FDR continues with participation of the Russian MChS team and a team of 186 Indonesian specialists.
In order to help Indonesian experts the Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development will deliver special reagents for the DNA expertize to Jakarta by a special charter flight.
May 17, 2012
Today the medical-legal expertise department of the Jakarta’s police hospital continued the identification of victims with the collaboration of a team from the Russian medical-legal expertise center of the Ministry of Health and Social Development.
Professor Ivanov, a leading Russian expert in the DNA identification analysis, started to help Indonesian specialists in performing procedures on site.
The search for the FDR and the collection of aircraft’s fragments are to continue with participation of the Russian MChS team.
May 17, 2012
Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company (SCAC) expresses condolences to families of victims of the SSJ100 aircraft accident on May 9, 2012 in the area of mountain Salak in Indonesia.
SCAC President Vladimir Prisyazhnyuk stated that all people who were on board were properly insured.
He stressed that SCAC guarantees the adherence of all legal requirements of the victims’ families regarding the claims for compensation upon completion of all necessary procedures.
The Indonesian National Committee of Transportation is making every possible effort to determine the causes investigating together with Russian experts.
“Works to identify victims including confirmation of the genetic identification are being carried out. We hope that this work will be completed at extremely short time requested for such examinations”, noted Vladimir Prisyazhnyuk.
May 16, 2012
Today the CVR of the 97004 aircraft was found and delivered to the laboratory in Jakarta. The CVR was opened in the presence of representatives of the Investigation Agency of the Indonesian Transport Ministry, KNRN, and the Russian team. A decision on the order of the data decoding was made on the basis of the CVR inspection.
It was decided that the data decoding will be carried out at the KNKT (National Transportation Safety Committee) in Indonesia. The Russian side will provide necessary equipment and software. The FDR has not been found so far.
A list of actions to properly decode the CVR data was formed. Decoding will be done at the KNKT jointly with the Russian team headed by Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Yuri Slyusar and consisting of consultants from the IAC AR, Aviaprom JSC, Russian State Air Traffic Control Corp and SCAC.
The analysis of the air traffic control conditions during the 97004 demo flight is being performed in frame of the investigation.
Works to identify victims continue.
May 16, 2012
SCAC confirms that the CVR box of SSJ100 crashed in Indonesia has been found and recovered by search team.
The box has been recovered last night and delivered to the Investigation Committee which has started preliminary analysis early morning today.
May 15, 2012
Today a team consisting of five alpinists from the Russian MChS rescue center jointly with the Indonesian military group reached the lowest area of the crash site in order to pick up the plane’s wreckage.
The working team will also continue to search for the aircraft’s parts as per sectors. Two severely damaged engines, nose landing gear and a tire of the main landing gear were found. Flight recorders have not been found so far.
The Indonesian Emergency Situations Ministry officially announced that nobody survived in the accident.
The search operation of the victims will be resumed at dawn.
The medical-legal expertise department of the Jakarta’s police hospital with the collaboration of a team from the Russian medical-legal expertise center of the Ministry of Health and Social Development will continue the identification of victims.
May 14, 2012
The SAR operation has continued today, facing the worsening of weather conditions.
A group in charge of searching and recovering aircraft equipment was forced to postpone its work due to the weather and the consequent inability to prepare the proper sketch maps.
Fragments of the flight test equipment, radio unit, APU electronics unit and other onboard equipment components were found today.
Flight recorders have not been found so far.
Today the Russian delegation met with the Vice President of Indonesia to discuss issues related to the aircraft accident investigation.
Works to find people who were on board of the aircraft have not completed so far and will continue tomorrow at 6 am local time.
May 12, 2012
“The search activities to find people who were on board of the aircraft 97004 have continued today. As before, weather conditions and extremely limited accessibility of the searching area making these works very difficult.
The high professional team from the Russian Ministry for Emergency Situation (MChS) joined the Indonesian rescuers. The second MChS aircraft RA-76429 arrived to Indonesia today at 2 pm local time.
The team in charge of the accident area inspection and sketch map preparation left the rescuers camp and moved to the accident location.
The team includes two Sukhoi Civil Aircraft specialists and four representatives of the Indonesian investigation commission.
The team will spend a night near the mountain with the intent of starting the map sketching, focalizing on the research of Flight Data and Voice Recorders early in the morning”.
May 10, 2012
“Today the Indonesian search-rescue forces discovered the location of the SSJ100 aircraft MSN 95004 missed yesterday from radars of Halim Airport when the aircraft performed the second demo flight.
The aircraft was found at the area with approximately 1,700 meter geographic altitude.
Weather conditions and wild mountain area are making the rescue activity very difficult. The first rescue team reached the place of the accident. Over 500 people are involved in the search operations.
According to updated data 45 people were aboard.
At this time, all our resources are devoted in assisting the authorities with the investigations, aimed at determining the cause of the accident.”
May 9, 2012
The airplane SSJ100 is reported as missing while the airplane was flying during a demonstration flight in Indonesia (from Jakarta-Halim Perdana Kusuma Airport). Prior to the flight the aircraft went through the full pre-flight check and showed the proper technical condition. Today the aircraft also had performed one more demonstration flight, which went without any technical problems.
The aircraft did not report any failure before disappearing from the radar screens.
The aircraft was piloted by a very experienced crew consisting of the SSJ100 Chief test pilot Alexander Yablontsev and his co-pilot Alexander Kochetkov. Captain Alexander Yablontzev has accumulated over 10.000 flight hours during his career. He was in command when the first prototype of SSJ100 took to the sky.
The Sukhoi Superjet 100 MSN 95004 made its first flight on July 25, 2009 and has accumulated over 800 f/h in over 500 flights. No serious technical problems have ever been reported.
Now SCAC is verifying the list of the people on board.
In a few hours a delegation of top management of United Aircraft Corporation, Sukhoi Civil Aircraft and representatives of the Ministry of Industry and Trade is going to Jakarta in order to assist and support local authorities.
SCAC will updated this first release whenever additional pertinent information are available.