sukhoi-superjet100 specifications

First time fly-by-wire
Full fly-by-wire: crew-centered design featuring intuitive controls designed with the pilot in mind.
The SSJ100 is the first 100-seat jet with a full fly-by-wire (FBW) system, designed to optimize handling, reduce flight crew workload, and maximize fuel efficiency.

Leading names in world aviation
The SSJ100 follows the tradition of Russian airframe excellence, adding state-of-the-art avionics and controls sourced from leading suppliers to produce an aircraft ready to face the world’s most challenging operating environments.

Comfortable, profitable, convenient, greener
The Sukhoi Superjet 100 philosophy is simple: to deliver a superior experience. More comfort for passengers, more profitability for operators, more support and better systems for crews, and better environmental performance.

Cutting the costs from design to operation
The clean-sheet design of the SSJ100 gives it an economic edge over its rivals, saving money in the air and on the ground.

Reducing environmental impact
The SSJ100 emits about 1.5 tons of CO2 less per trip compared to its direct competitor. The high-tech long-duct nacelles carrying the SaM146 engines are designed to optimize acoustic performance, with the result that the SSJ100 meets ICAO Chapter 4 noise regulations – meaning that it is permitted to operate from any airport.