The SuperJet International logo is a graphic signature and a registered trademark of SuperJet International, an Alenia Aermacchi and Sukhoi Company. The logo can be used only by written permission from SuperJet International and only using authorised SuperJet International artwork. You can ask for a written permission sending an e-mail to SuperJet International. The logo image is not to be copied for use on web sites, publications, or other materials. Specific standards govern use of this logo. These standards include proper form, color, spacing, size, and use of the logo with other graphic elements. Please, read our Signature Guidelines.
Logo Downloads:
SJI Coloured version LOGO
SJI Black version LOGO
SJI White version LOGO
Some pictures and a video of the SSJ100 are also available for downloading from the link below:
Pictures of the Sukhoi Superjet 100
Video of the Sukhoi Superjet 100