EASA Validated Sukhoi Superjet LR Version

Moscow, December 22, 2016
JSC “Sukhoi Civil Aircraft” has obtained European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) approval of Sukhoi Superjet 100 Long Range (SSJ100LR). The certificate will enable Sukhoi Superjet 100 deliveries to the foreign customers with the range increased by 50% comparing to the basic version (SSJ100 Basic).
JSC “Sukhoi Civil Aircraft” has obtained European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) approval of Sukhoi Superjet 100 Long Range (SSJ100LR). The certificate will enable Sukhoi Superjet 100 deliveries to the foreign customers with the range increased by 50% comparing to the basic version (SSJ100 Basic).
On December 21 the aviation authorities have granted JSC “SCA” the approval of the Type Certificate changes providing for the increase of the take-off weight and flight range. This approval will make possible for the foreign customers to purchase the aircraft with the flight range up to 4,578 km along with the previously available aircraft with flight range of 3,048 km.
SSJ100LR have been delivered and operated in Russia since 2014. As of now their share makes approximately a quarter of total JSC “SCA” delivery volume. Aircraft with the increased flight range are operated within the fleet of Gazpromavia, Yakutia and Yamal airlines. Sukhoi Business Jet and special-purpose version of Sukhoi Superjet 100 also have the increased flight range.
Sukhoi Superjet 100 Long Range EASA certification will provide the opportunities for extension of potential sales markets. SSJ100LR performance affords ground to have a more flexible approach to the route network development for the foreign customers.
In the nearest future 98 seats lay-out of SSJ100LR will be available.